1979 – 1989

The company was founded in 1979 and was initially known as Master Materials Sdn Bhd. The company’s core business was as a floor hardener, epoxy and water proofing specialist contractor. Despite its humble beginnings, it won the “The Best Subcontractor Award” for its work on Malaysia’s first car plant project from Shimizu Construction Company of Japan, an amazing achievement for a new company.

1990 – 1997

In the early 1990s, Master Materials formed a joint venture with an Australian company to manufacture concrete imprints. The joint venture company which was known as Master Pave Sdn Bhd was basically established to manufacture and supply its products and systems to application companies in Malaysia and Asia.

The company through its imprint business as well as its floor hardeners and waterproofing business grew substantially after acquiring a major portion of the stamped concrete and pavement business for Malaysia’s ultra modern administrative capital, Putrajaya and its twin city, Cyberjaya.

1998 – 2007

Due to sizable business growth and to streamline the management of the company, Master Materials Sdn Bhd was split into three entities:

  1. Master Materials Manufacturing Sdn Bhd (which evolved from Master Pave Sdn Bhd), solely responsible for all manufacturing activities.
  2. Master Materials Contracting Sdn Bhd to undertake all contracting businesses.
  3. Master Materials Marketing Sdn Bhd became the marketing and trading arm of the group and was responsible for the retail of aquatic and resin quartz pebbles and related products to tile and flooring shops. 


From 2008 onwards, due to rapid expansion in business, Master Materials embarked on a new direction to achieve business excellence, success and wealth creation. In April 2012, after a period of growth, the company decided to review its entire operational and management system and adhere to the original objectives and mission of the company. As a management rationalization reorganization exercise, the company engaged the services of both Canadian and local consultants to streamline administrative and operational processes and also initiate product development programs.

By engaging experienced and knowledgeable people, Master Materials is adapting and changing constantly to meet the demands of the building construction industry and looking into opportunities that will propel the company into greater success and prosperity. To move forward to future growth, the company is constantly looking for expertise to excel in its business and has now in its team an experienced sales advisor and also a dedicated design department to develop new designs for its handicraft concrete and polymer resurfacing products. Also in the management fold is a marketing communications consultant to develop the brand image of the company and its products. 

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