MASTERPAV Bush Hammer system provides a distinct, textured appearance to concrete surfaces. Using specialized equipment to create a pattern of microscopic depressions resembling the surface of naturally weathered rock. The end result is a visually appealing surface that not only improves the concrete's appearance but also enhances the slip resistance of the surface. Enhance your final result with the MASTERPAV Integral Colourant N700 .
Texture variation and color variation can be achieved. It has good durability and slip/skid resistance properties
High Abrasion resistance properties.
MASTERPAV N700 Integral Concrete Colourant = 19.5 kg/bag
MASTERPAV Acrylic Sealer = 1Lt, 5Lt & 20Lt/pail
MASTERPAV N700 Integral Concrete Colourant = 19.5 kg/m3
MASTERPAV Acrylic Sealer = 3 Lt/m²